Player statistics:

The history can't be shown, because 2 efficiency snapshots are needed. Please check your efficiency tomorrow once again (CET). (Once you check your efficiency an efficiency snapshot is created, max. once a day on last visit)
The Wargaming API delivers non-consistent data about battle count and vehicles. The ratings could be affected. (58826 of 58833)
Wraith of Jay-x
plays since: 16.09.2015
last seen on: 05.04.2024
trees cut: 60001
average tank tier: 9.31

58833 (100.00%) battles

61.39% win rate

80.11% hit percent

42.66% survived battles

average xp per battle

2.22 damage dealt / received

3,002.62 average damage

1.62 destroyed per battle

1.51 spotted

1.4 defence points per battle

0.34 capture points per battle

2.83 kills / deaths ratio

Clan :
in clan since: 23.02.2024
role : private

2,026.5 unicum
2,136.47 super unicum
4,122.11 super unicum