

Abkürzung: ELC3K

Gegründet: 15.08.2016

Motto: "size doesn't matter"

Beschreibung: We are an international clan of AMX ELC Bis enthusiasts. If you like this tank and you want to improve in it, you're very welcome here. We don't play CWs or strongholds, just good old for-fun platoons with our clan mates. We also enjoy playing other types and tiers, but ELC is the king of them all! ================ *Requirements:* - ELC in garage with at least second MoE - Minimum 200 battles in ELC - English language at level of communication - Good manners and sense of humor - Discord To recruit contact: \_TotaS\_ pieplu Leslaw74 Mr_Gangsta PointofView3 ================ *We all represent our Clan. Platooned or not, in game or garage, shooting or texting other players; every member of ELC3K is obligated to behave with culture. This is the main rule, thus MUST be respected. We're here to have fun playing, and salt is killing all of it for everyone.* ================ Contact e-mail:

Anzahl Mitglieder: 94

1.202,07 gut
1.368,86 sehr gut
1.993,06 sehr gut
Eckdaten Durchschnittliche Werte Gesamtstatistik
Gefechte 24.950,57 2.345.354
Siege 55,02% 1.290.405
Gefechte überlebt 32,20% 755.100
Zerstört pro Gefecht 0,98 2.300.019
Aufgekl. pro Gefecht 1,97 4.621.593
Eroberungspunkte p. Gefecht 1,03 2.413.435
Verteidigungspunkte p. Gefecht 0,78 1.838.736
Mittl. Schaden -890,72 -
Mtl. Panzerstufe 6,37 -
Trefferquote 65,07% -
Verhältnis Abschüsse / Tode 1,45 -